ktora masowala bez przerwy przez 68h w zamian za donacje do organizacji charytatywnych.
dzis ukazal sie artykul podwazajacy sensownosc jej postepowania.
wedlug mnie powinna ona po prostu przeznaczyc swoje zarobki dla organizacji charytatywnych czy zorganizowac innych masazystow wokol tej idei - raczej niz narazac swe zdrowie na uszczerbek.
Massage Magazine posted an article on October 31, 2009 regarding a massage therapist who broke the world record for “continuous massage performed”. According to Massage Magazine, Chirstina Brandon “massaged for 68 hours from her office at Gulf Gate Chiropractic in Sarasota, Florida.” While it may be fun to break the world record for creating the biggest ice cream sundae, or even for the number of people skinny dipping at one time, intentionally breaking an endurance record by performing back to back sessions of massage therapy could be considered medical malpractice.
Massage therapy is a medical service and has a physiological effect on the body. There are many contradictions and massage should only be performed by alert and attentive therapists. A significant amount of time in massage school is spent on helping therapists identify and respond to each client’s individual medical needs and the importance of evaluating and treating each client as an individual is emphasized. It is not possible to maintain the recommended and necessary level of attention to the individual client when the therapist has gone without sleep for 24, 48, or 60+ hours. Performing massage therapy while impaired may be a violation of Florida massage laws and certainly presents ethical questions.
While publicity events and creative marketing tactics that bring attention to massage therapy are often a good thing, massage therapists must never sacrifice client safety in any case. Certainly a doctor would never intentionally try to set a record for how many procedures he could perform without sleep as this would violate medical safety and ethical standards.
By accepting this “record”, The Guinness Book of World Records is also setting a dangerous precedent and is contributing to this questionable practice, perhaps not even realizing the dangers involved in performing massage while impaired. If professional massage therapists nationwide speak out against this type of activity, perhaps we can use this sad event to gain attention to the fact that most massage therapists are professionals and put the client first in all circumstances.
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