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Hyde Park forum ogólne - 10 porad, jak mieć dobry masaż

massagewarsaw - 2010-08-28, 09:19
Temat postu: 10 porad, jak mieć dobry masaż
profesjonalny masaz moze sie niektorym wydawac marnowaniem pieniedzy, dopoki nie miales dobrego zabiegu masazu. Milosnicy masazu wiedza, ze moze on dac wiecej kozysci zdrowotnych, niz wizyta u lekarza. A jako dodatek, moze podniesc duchowo.

Ale jak miec jak najwiecej z masazu?

1. pij wode przed i po masazu.

2. rozmawiaj z masazysta o twoich problemach zdrowotnych i preferencjach.

3. nie zatrzymuj na sobie zbyt wiele bielizny, bedziesz nakryty recznikami.

4. przestan myslec. Zrelaksuj sie przez oddychanie, mozesz probowac jogicznych technik wizualizacji.

5. zrelaksuj cialo, nie pomagaj masazyscie w zaden sposob - to tylko utrudnia mu prace i musi on pracowac ciezej.

6. skoncentruj sie na glebokim i rytmicznym oddychaniu, gdy boli. Mozesz rowniez uzyc technik wizualizacji, np wyobraz sobie, ze z kazdym oddechem, twoj bol opuszcza twoje cialo wraz z powietrzem.

7. nie rozmawiaj w czasie masazu, bo to angazuje twoja swiadomosc. Natomiast komunikuj sie z masazysta, gdy cos boli, jest ci zimno czy cieplo lub gdy chcesz skupienia sie masazysty na jakims problemie.

8. po masazu powoli wracaj do rzeczywistosci. Nie zeskakuj ze stolu, jak tylko masazysta opusci gabinet. Pozwol sobie na minute wczucia sie w swoje nowe, zrelaksowane cialo. Wstawaj powoli. Siacz wode ze szklanki pozostawionej dla ciebie przez masazyste, wypij ja cala. Dopiero wtedy zacznij sie ubierac.

9. pij jeszcze wiecej wody - im wiecej wypijesz, tym lepszy bedzie efekt masazu. Wiec nie zaluj sobie.

10. wyluzuj sie. Pomoz sobie utrzymac kozysci z masazu, jak najdluzej. Pamietaj o glebokim oddychaniu, gdy nadchodzi stres czy bol. Zaplanuj relaksujacy wieczor, zjedz lekkostrawna kolacje. Wymocz sie w wannie z sola. Spij dlugo.

10 tips to get the most out of your massage

Professional therapist offers a few guidelines.

A professional massage might seem like a waste of money -- until you've had one. Frugal fans know a good massage can provide more health benefits than a visit to the doctor, and often for less cash. As an added bonus, a massage can provide a spiritual lift. But how do you get the most out of a massage when you're lying there worrying about spending all that money? Taking off your clothes and slipping under the sheets is the easy part. Here are guidelines from a professional therapist:

1 Drink water before and after. Most therapists will remind you to flush toxins after a massage, but it's equally important to hydrate before climbing on the table. That's because the pressure from your masseuse's hands pushes lactic acid out of your muscle tissue and into your bloodstream, where it circulates throughout your body. Without water, your blood flow is sluggish and stagnated and might not process these toxins as readily as hydrated, less viscous fluids.

2 Talk to your massage therapist. Tell of your concerns, needs and expectations before you start. Note problem areas, such as a bad back, trick knee or the knotted shoulders caused by computer work. Express your environmental preferences, too, including music and room temperature. You don't want the ambience jarring you out of your cozy zone. If you're an aromatherapy fan and have a specific preference, bring a sample with you.

3 Don't be bashful. In general, the less you wear, the fewer obstacles to a good massage. Your certified massage therapist is trained in sheet-draping techniques that will ensure your modesty is protected at all times. So remove everything, slide under those silky sheets, and don't waste energy worrying about what the therapist will think of your body.

4 Stop thinking. This might be the hardest part of relaxing into a massage. I find yogic rhythmic breathing prepares my body and brain. While the therapist is getting set up, I perform deep breathing exercises, inhaling from the stomach, upward through the chest cavity and mentally swirling the breath through my brain. On the inhale, I gather all my thoughts, tensions and negativity into a gray smoke and expel it out of my body. Then I reverse the process, filling my body with pure air. Five cycles usually do it.

5 Relax your body. Don't engage your muscles to help the therapist maneuver a part of your body. This doesn't really help because it just tenses your muscles and makes the therapist's work harder.

6 Breathe through the pain. Don't hold your breath when the therapist begins working on a muscular knot, or the muscle will continue to hold its tension. Instead, start narrowing your focus to a deep, rhythmic breathing pattern. Try to visualize tension leaving your body on the exhale and allow your body to relax a little more with each breath.

7 Talk less -- listen to your body more. Sometimes a verbal release is just as therapeutic as a muscle relax, but if you're chattering away during a massage you're not really concentrating on your body. Animated conversation makes your body tense up, so save the chitchat for lunch dates. But do talk to give the masseuse instructions -- when the pressure is too soft or hard; if you're feeling chilly; or if you'd like work on a specific area.

8 Recover slowly. Don't just jump off the table after the therapist has left the room. Take a minute to glory in your newly relaxed body. Roll slowly onto your dominant side, push gently up to a seated position with one arm, and sit on the edge of the table for a few moments. The therapist should have left a glass of water; slowly sip the entire glass before donning your clothes and gliding back into the real world.

9 Drink more water. Flush those nasty toxins out of your system with plenty of water. Otherwise, you could end up with sore muscles and nausea -- making the massage a complete waste of time and money. While there's no magic number of ounces you should drink, the more water you consume the better you'll feel.

10 Take it easy. Help your body and mind hold on to the benefits of the massage as long as possible. Return to the breathing exercises when you begin tensing up. At the end of the day, treat yourself to a relaxing evening. Eat a light dinner. Soak in a warm bath with scented salts or aromatherapy oils, then curl up in bed for a deep, restorative sleep.

Necrii - 2010-08-28, 18:59

Em... jakiś taki chaos się wkradł w ten "artykuł". Nie trzeba by tego troszkę naprostować?
massagewarsaw - 2010-08-28, 19:03
Temat postu: kurs masaz tajski
Necrii - 2010-08-28, 19:16

hm... wolę angielski mówiony niż pisany by od nowa tłumaczyć, ale fakt faktem jakiś chochlik się nam wkradł ;)
massagewarsaw - 2010-08-28, 19:33
Temat postu: kurs masaz tajski
jaki chochlik?
Necrii - 2010-08-28, 20:04

W zasadzie to chyba muszę przeprosić, bo chochlik to się wkradł mi oO Chrome automatycznie mi przetłumaczyło artykuł, który najpierw widziałam po angielsku (zawsze najpierw ogólnie oglądam długość postu etecera), a potem zaczęłam czytać i... nawet nie chcecie wiedzieć co tam tłumacz wypatrzył xD Musiał jakoś w między czasie się załadować, przeładować czy jak tam te przeglądarki działają.
massagewarsaw - 2010-08-28, 20:10
Temat postu: kurs masaz tajski
automatyczny tlumacz nie nadaje sie do niczego, w porownaniu z tlumaczem - tak jak masaz masazerem, nie nadaje sie do niczego, w porownaniu z masazysta
Necrii - 2010-08-28, 20:20

Jeszcze raz przepraszam za zamieszanie :/

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