Masaż informacje ogólne - Kliniczne badania nad masażem tajskim
massagewarsaw - 2010-07-30, 10:59 Temat postu: Kliniczne badania nad masażem tajskim o klinicznych badaniach nad masazem tajskim:
RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED COMPARATIVE STUDY Effects of traditional Thai massage versus joint mobilization on substance P and pain perception in patients with non-specific low back pain
Losowe kontrolowane badanie porownawcze wplywu masazu tajskiego w porownaniu z mobilizacja stawow na substancje P i odczuwanie bolu u pacjentow z nieokreslonym bolem plecow - wykazalo nieznaczna przewage masazu tajskiego nad zabiegiem mobilizacji stawow
Although both Traditional Thai Massage (TTM) and joint mobilization have been practiced in Thailand to reduce musculoskeletal pain, a comparative study of these in relieving pain is not been found in the literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the immediate effects of TTM versus joint mobilization on substance P and pain perception in patients with non-specific low back pain.
Sixty-seven adults with non-specific low back pain were randomly assigned to receive either TTM (35 people) or joint mobilization (32 people). The duration of each treatment was 10 min.
The levels of substance P in saliva and a visual analog scale (VAS) were measured before and 5 min after each treatment. Paired t-test was used to compare outcome variables at baseline with outcome measures 5 min after each treatment. An analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was performed to compare the difference between groups.
Both groups showed a decrease in the level of substance P after treatment when compared with levels pre-treatment (73.86?62.31 pg/ml versus 50.43?64.39 pg/ml in TTM and 80.61?85.26 pg/ml versus 56.27?72.77 pg/ml in joint mobilization; p=0.019 and 0.006; 95%CI: 4.03?42.82 and 7.48?41.19, respectively).
Additionally, there was a marked decrease in VAS after treatment in both groups (4.22?1.98 versus 2.45?1.75 in Thai massage and 4.35?1.71 versus 3.39?1.66 in joint mobilization; p=0.000 and 0.002, 95%CI: 1.12?2.40 and 0.37?1.55, respectively). There was no significant difference in the substance P level after treatment between the two groups.
However, the VAS pain score was slightly different between the groups after treatment (0.88; 95% CI: 0.16?1.59; p=0.017), where the TTM group reported less pain than the joint mobilization group (2.48?0.25 versus 3.36?0.25 VAS, respectively). Both TTM and joint mobilization can relieve pain in patients with non-specific low back pain. However, TTM yields slightly more beneficial effects than joint mobilization.
(opis i ilustracje wykonanych technik mozna obejrzec w dziale Figures/Tables)
COMPARATIVE STUDY Effectiveness of traditional Thai massage versus Swedish massage among patients with back pain associated with myofascial trigger points
Studium porownawcze efektywnosci masazu tajskiego i masazu klasycznego wsrod pacjentow z bolem plecow zwiazanym z powieziowymi punktami spustowymi wykazalo taka sama efektywnosc obu technik
A comparative study of Thai massage and Swedish massage relative to physiological and psychological measures
Badanie porownawcze masazu tajskiego z masazem klasycznym w stosunku do zmian fizjologicznych i psychologicznych nie wykazalo roznicy miedzy tymi technikami
The Effect of Foot Massage with Biofeedback: A Pilot Study to Enhance Health Promotion
Efekty tajskiego masazu stop: Badanie pilotarzowe promujace zdrowy styl zycia - pozytywny wplyw zabiegow pielegniarskich na zdrowie pacjentow w podeszlym wieku
Chronic pain: a case for using an integration model
Bol chroniczny: argument za uzyciem modelu integracyjnego
(opis i ilustracje wykonanych technik mozna obejrzec w dziale Figures/Tables)
massagewarsaw - 2015-12-25, 08:27
Wpływ masażu tajskiego na zachowanie dzieci autystycznych