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Hyde Park forum ogólne - Virgin Airline płaci odszkodowanie $480k dla 2 masażystów

massagewarsaw - 2011-03-12, 01:28
Temat postu: Virgin Airline płaci odszkodowanie $480k dla 2 masażystów
sad w Londynie przyznal odszkodowanie $369k i $111k dla masazystek shiatsu, ktore rozwinely problemy zdrowotne (prawdopodobnie RSI - repetitive strain injury) wykonujac dlugie zabiegi pasazerom pierwszej klasy.

Nie mialy one odpoczynku miedzy zabiegami i byly zmuszane do pracy w nadgodzinach.

ubiegaly sie o laczne odszkodowanie $1mln.

mozna sie spodziewac wiecej podobnych procesow i znacznych odszkodowan, poniewaz prawo angielskie (i amerykanskie) oparte jest na precedensach (wczesniejszych decyzjach sadowych).

Virgin Airlines must pay nearly $500,000 to two former massage therapists who said they developed chronic muscle from giving too many massages to first-class clients.

Britons Jayne Evans and Michelle Hindmarch said they had to give up their careers when they developed pain throughout their upper bodies from giving lengthy Shiatsu massage treatments, Agence France-Presse reported.

Virgin did not deny liability for the injuries but wanted to pay less than the nearly $1 million the women wanted, London's Sun newspaper reported.

Evans told the British judge hearing the case she was heartbroken that she couldn't continue her career.

"I always wanted to be a beauty therapist," she said, the Sun reported. "It's what I trained for when I left school, and I wanted to pursue that career."

The former masseuse said the problems began when she was sent home after complaining of her symptoms in 2005 following a difficult massage with a larger male client, the Daily Mail reported.

The women also complained they received too few breaks and were forced to work overtime.

Now the women say they have trouble washing pots and pans, shopping for groceries and even washing their hair.

Evans, who was awarded $369,000, took a lower-paying job in the clerical division of the airline. Hindmarch, meanwhile, netted $111,000 because she found a better-paying job in a different field, AFP said.

The judge dismissed Virgin Airline's claims that the women were exaggerating their symptoms.

Virgin Airlines was founded by billionaire Sir Richard Branson.

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